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People can be in the same team meeting at the same time yet leave with differing understandings of what took place.  How does that happen? The key here is to understand how understanding works – It’ll give you greater control over your outcomes, be better each time you deliver a message, and become a team player who works in harmony with the others.

We all have different communication styles, there are loads of tools out there to help with identifying people’s preferences.  But is there really enough time in your working day to check up on who’s who before every conversation?  As humans, we are meaning-making machines – we see or hear something, and make it mean something.

Here’s how we can help …

Using the principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) we help teams to make sense of their perceptions, and how they can be harnessed for the greater good. When teams start with the foundation of trust, they can genuinely be transparent and honest with one another.  From this foundation, team members can channel the power of productive debate, commit to shared goals, hold each other accountable, and deliver better results together.

This can be good at any time, and can be particularly helpful after a big change in your organisation such as; the departure of an established manager or leader, the arrival of some new recruits, and especially in the case of a restructure or the reorganisation after a business has changed hands.