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We know that the word “innovation” can be a word that inspires, but also one that has people instantly say “nope, not for me”, and you might be one of them.
What do we mean when we use the word innovation? It can mean a new product or market opportunity and depending on their imagination it can seem far out of reach, even impossible.
If you check the dictionary it will say something like “to improve, or replace something” and “a new idea, method, or the introduction of something new”.
Simply put – innovation is making change happen, it is getting value from an idea that is new to us.

When we talk about innovating, we are really talking about is “change”. This change is important and value generating, and we believe it is going to be better than what we have already. Innovation is ‘making change happen’.
As human beings we are all capable of making change happen (we have been doing it all our lives) and yet sometimes we can get stuck, and overwhelmed where it all seems too hard, or maybe we don’t even now where to start, or who to get involved? This is why understanding that innovation is making change happen is crucial.

Change is hard. Often organisations turn to innovation and change when they are under pressure, and this can make it even harder. We are here to give you external perspective to find your way through. Your people are absolutely essential to navigate disruption successfully and purpose-driven innovation is the business survival skill that keeps an organisation cutting-edge and its processes smooth, helping to make change happen.

The Six’I’sⓇ of Innovation

Developed by industry expert Natalie Turner, this model creates long-lasting value for your organisation so you can leverage your strengths where it counts.  Innovation is not a linear process because being human is not a linear process either. The circularity of this model’s approach matches the way our minds work; and that’s why it works – it is human-centric rather than process-centric, enabling change to happen effectively.

Innovation & Change is all about people

We’ll start by working with you and your people, as a functioning team that has trust, collaborative ways of working, a shared plan, as well as aligned goals is one that is ready to innovate. Once we have done this, we can go deeper using the unique online profiling tool to discover the individual and collective strengths of your organisation. Once you know how you and your team ‘show up’, it’s time to consider how you can leverage these strengths to build on your innovation capacity for the long-term. In other words, you’ll be able to determine the strengths of everyone in your team and begin to adjust your culture to harness and celebrate these strengths, making innovation happen smoothly.

The real-world relevance is simple. There are three applications:

  • Individual awareness and its use for coaching and mentoring
  • A team building and project management tool
  • A way of creating value and driving cultural change

Innovation & Change is all about purpose

The Six I’s of InnovationⓇ model is a purpose-driven methodology that gives clarity to your organisation’s strategy and purpose. Using a practical, human-centric approach, we can progress through the Six I’s of InnovationⓇ model from the centre where purpose lies. Purpose gives clarity, and if you link it to your organisation’s overall strategy and purpose, you’ll know you’re on the right path. This guides you in making change happen with purpose.

Are you ready to start progressing? Get in touch using the link below.

Clan-Alchemy talks about Innovation